Facebook's Prayer Request tool helps Recruit Families
Facebook released a new feature that allows users to requests prayers from their family and friends. The new feature is available in Facebook Groups and lets users create a post asking members to pray for them. Group members can respond to the post by pressing a new "I prayed" button.
Recruit families rely on their faith for strength and encouragement while their loved one is attending basic military training. For most, recruit training is the first time their son, daughter, spouse, or grandchild has been away from home for an extended period. Fortunately, Facebook groups provide much-needed support to family members by offering guidance and advice.
We encourage our Facebook members to use the new Ask for Prayer tool to let our community pray for you!
Looking for a private Facebook recruit support group?
Don't forget to send your recruit a postcard with MondayDelivery.com. We pray over your postcards before express mailing them to your loved one.